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Angol nyelvlecke: videó a síterepnyitásról

2009.12.02. Bata Attila

Angol nyelvlecke: videó a síterepnyitásról Ahogy beszámoltunk róla, múlt szombaton adták át Mongólia első síterepét. Az alábbi rövidfilmben az amerikai székhelyű, de ázsiai témákkal foglalkozó NTD TV tudósítását illesztettük be. Alatta a riport angol nyelvű szövege található, így szezon előtt nem árt egy kicsit felfrissíteni egy kicsit a nyelvtudásunkat.
Az angol szövegel kapcsolatos nyelvi kérdéseket a fórumban megbeszélhetjük, és a későbbiekben, hasonló, más idegen nyelvű, rövid, síelős témájú filmekkel is jelentkezhetünk.

And hundreds of excited Mongolians hit the slopes on Saturday at the country’s first ski resort. The new resort catering for beginners and intermediate skiers is offering locals a new form of entertainment.

The Sky Resort in Mongolia’s Khurkhreet Valley boasts nine ski runs and two chair lifts. Most of the slopes are aimed at beginner and intermediate skiers, although there is one set aside for racing, once people find their ski-legs.

Mongolian winters can be harsh with temperatures well below freezing, but it seldom snows, so the resort relies on Italian-imported technology that creates man-made snow which is blasted out of snow guns onto the ski runs.

Despite the freezing temperatures and the promise of beginner's bruises, Mongolians are thrilled to have a new weekend entertainment.

[Tsedsuren Luvsandorj, Visitor]: "It's great that this ski resort opened! It is a great way to have fun with our children, and they are picking it up really fast."

[Otgonzaya Dadiikhuu, Visitor]: "It’s good news to have a ski resort in the winter season. You can come here on the weekends or the weekdays and, most importantly, the service is good."

The resort sits on the slopes of the sacred Bogd Khan Uul Mountain in Khurkhreet, a 15 minute drive from the capital of Ulan Bator.

A day on the slopes at the Sky Resort costs around 24 U.S. dollars and the resort claims to be able to hold up to 4,000 people.

If the weather conditions are bearable, and their bruises still allow them to move around, hundreds of Mongolians may be spending this winter on the slopes every day.


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